Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Grand Manan Session 2

Sorry we couldn't record the first session for you guys, however here is Session 2 where we all go a little more crazy, break a few cameras, and a foot. Also there was a song posted about this session!
Grand Manan Session 2

Monday, April 22, 2013

Saturday Night Games

Alrite, I'd like to give a big thanks to everyone that shows up to the saturday games, by saying thank you!
We're currently running a module called Griffin's Legacy, the rules are built around 3.5 DnD with a few added details from the actual GL module. Believe it or not, we're almost done with the module, but it doesn't end with the module! Our GM (Matt) has been working hard to piece together the world we are creating based off this module, but there is a possibility that we may play a new game so that our players can eagerly test out the new things our GM's have built or chosen to delve our eagerly awaiting PCs.

We may have a few spots open for future games and new players are welcome, if there are any interested parties out there feel free to email us!